The Daily 5 is composed of five different literacy tasks that will make your students stronger readers and writers. The five tasks are read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, work on writing, and word work. In our class we work to have students read to self and work on writing daily, while listening to reading, reading to someone, and completing word work at least 3 times each week.
We work on writing everyday during writing workshop block (11-12) while read to self and two other assigned tasks are completed during 20 minute rotations in reading workshop block (1-2:30). Reading workshop also consists of a teacher read aloud, mini lesson, and group closing share.
While work on writing and read to self are pretty self explanatory, the other centers took a little bit more practice for the students to get used to. Above is a picture of read to someone. Students take turns reading books to one another. They can read their own personal book choice to a friend, two students can choose to take turns reading the same story, they can read the words out loud together, or they can even mimic one another's reading trying to improve their voice and fluency.
Listen to reading is the part of the day where students can use a website called Bookflix to listen to and watch stories online. The books are read to them while the computer highlights the words and sometimes even adds animation to the illustrations. If you are interested in using this website at home,, your students should know the username and password already, and if they don't- just let me know and I can send it home to you.

In word work, students practice their weekly spelling words using a variety of materials. They can make words using play-doh, stamp letters and ink, magnet letters, or they can even type letters on fancy decorated keyboards! Since we have started practicing the word work strategy, students are very excited about all the new materials. They are working independently and are proud to share their hard work with friends and teachers. Keep an eye out for other word work stations that we will be trying through out the year. I have found a variety of activities that will keep spelling new and exciting for your children!