Monday, December 12, 2011

The Human Body! Woo!!!

This past week marked the beginning of our second trimester unit. Third graders jumped right into a human body organ study! A few weeks ago we decided on a set of seven organs for group study. The end of trimester goals include edible organ models, an organ museum for all of our Spruce pod members, and letters from the organ to human talking about keeping your body healthy and what an organ is used for. During the unit we will be having guest speakers, watching videos, researching, drawing models, and participating in organ specific weeks. Last week the classroom was filled with new human body books to read. The minute students walked in they started climbing on furniture (literally) to get to the new resources. They took notes, shared information, and asked questions as quickly as they could think of them. They ended the day by coming up with their top three organs they wished to study most and were split into groups accordingly. The organs they chose to research are the brain, heart, kidneys, intestines, stomach, bladder, and lungs. They look forward to sharing their learning with you in the near future!

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