Sunday, June 10, 2012

Map of Doinkville

As part of our community unit, students developed a town within our classroom named Doinkville. "Doink" is a game that we have been playing in our classroom that involves tagging one another and shouting  "Doink!" Because of desk groupings in the classroom, students were able to identify streets and name them in the town. We had six streets all named after things we had been learning this year or important school words like Monty, Spruce, and eagle. Students desks were a buildings in the community. They found out what building they were based on a drawing from a group of cards. They may have been a house, a library, a grocery store, a restaurant, or some other important part of the community. Students designed their building and added it to a town map. They also helped to design the map even further by adding in details like grass, forests, zoos, and rivers. They even ended up showing their map to the mayor of Lewiston, Robert E. MacDonald, when he came to visit us and talk about his role in the community. Other activities they did with regard to our community was create a list of demographics, nominate, vote for, and hire a chief of police, and develop a list of laws for the community to follow (mostly following the classroom expectations and 3 Bs of course). 

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