Friday, April 19, 2013

Mission Day, Part 3: Our Writing

 As you all know, there were two teams in this planet research extravaganza... the inner and the outer planets. Each team wrote a persuasive letter to a group of aliens looking to settle somwhere in the solar system. All of our Mission Day visitors voted on the letter they agreed with best during Mission Day and after counting the votes we found that Team Outer had won... Yeah Team Outer!!!

Team Inner's letter was very, very, VERY long and included arguments like the joys of acid rain, never ending amounts of cooked pizza without the oven to cook it, and Earth, a livable planet. Team Outer's letter advertised quite well if I do say so myself, as their team leader, with some sweet planet/student photographs. We argued that you would have more space to play, could enjoy never ending amounts of popsicles that don't melt, and hot, burning cores where you can still cook your dinner. Both letters were brilliant and very convincing if I do say so myself. The third graders should be very proud!

 Dalton and Trinaty

Brady and Xavier

 Binti and Sam

 Erin and Fardowsa

 Faisal and Tristan


 Rukia and Ryan

Sabrian and Yasmin

Abdi and Kayla

Gidhan and John

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