Our class has been using the website www.padlet.com to help us record our thinking. One of the tools we have been using to record that thinking is called a RAN sheet. RAN stands for Reading and Analyzing Nonfiction. It is an updated version of a KWL chart (Know/Want to Know/Learned). The RAN sheet is more specific to our thinking processes over time because it asks students to categorize what they think they know first. Think is the key word because then students are asked to sort what they thought they knew into two categories- "Yes We Were Right" and "We Don't Think This Anymore". Two additional categories are "New Facts" and "What We Still Want to Know". The RAN sheet helps third graders to see how their thinking changes when learning new things. This strategy is called synthesizing information and teaches students to internalize new learning and mix it with what is already known. It teaches them that their knowledge is valuable and can be added to new information to develop their own points of view and understandings of the world around them. Anywho! This was a very teachery post explaining the reasons why we are learning the way we are... if you would like to see student thinking and the RAN sheet check the link below!
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